It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it
Nelson Mandela
Envirochild is an NGO dedicated to the goal of a healthy, sustainable, prosperous and united community in Hout Bay, creating inspiration and a model that other communities can follow in the same path.
Envirochild aims to facilitate ‘green, educational and sustainable development’ projects in Hout Bay and surrounding areas that share its vision and goals, by acting as an ‘umbrella’ organisation. Envirochild is the legal and admin channel for micro and entrepreneurial projects who share its vision and goals.
- Hout Bay Food Security
Hout Bay Food Security Project was created as a recognition of the grave, unprecedented challenges that the COVID-19 presents to our community.
Its aim is to grow food in every available space in our community.
The Initiative focuses on food production through small veggie gardens particularly in the townships of Hangberg and Imizo Yethu.
Food security is essential as the crisis has brought about loss of employment and many of our residents are starving.
Hence the need to grow food is more sustainable than relying on handouts or food parcels.The pictures below are our initial planting day, on Mandela Day, where we planted a community garden and then handed our seedlings to start gardens in the residents homes.
If you are keen to get involved, or feel inspired to donate funds, tools, compost, soil or seedlings, please contact
As Envirochild is a registered Non-Profit Company 2007/020456/08 – Public Benefit Organisation 93 00 36 149 – your donations are tax deductible.
Bank details: Envirochild NPC Mercantile Bank Current Account no 1050768205 Swift/BIC LISAZAJJXXX
COVID-19 Our response
Envirochild partnered with Nazley Sadan to provide food parcels and cooked meals (soup and rice n veg) for the vulnerable community members in Hangberg, Hout Bay. As the Hout Bay community consists of rich, poor, black and white people, it can become the showcase of a community that cares.
Please donate towards our feeding scheme as only R250 feeds a family for a week.
Please contact Danielle at or 0727970904 for details
Envirochild facilitates many projects on the ground.
The Green Faire
The Green Faire has been a successful annual event for 11 years and has been a showcase of green products and services, energy and water saving devices, Inspiring talks, Eco House building demo’s, Green Interactive Exhibition, Solar Powered Stage, Vegetable Growing demo’s, community projects and causes. The entire event has been powered by Solar and Wind Power.
After 11 successful years the Green Faire has become a permanent feature in the community and attracts over 2000 visitors from the Cape Town metropolitan area
Since 2009 until present, the Green Faire featured the Planet Warriors Festival where the children from all the Primary schools in Hout Bay participate in the Trash to Treasure Market, where they sell recycled treasures that they have made, participate in the Talent Contest (with a recording as the prize), and an Eco Fashion show. Not only did the children and their creations delight market goers, but it also brought new people – friends and families – to the Green Faire, offering an opportunity to broaden green education and awareness to new frontiers.
Powered by Solar Eco Fashion Eco Fashion Compost Tesla Power Wall Verical garden Playing in the sun Curtain of cans Venda Blenda Warrior – Eco fashion show winner Wind power Watersaving devices
Wood Recycling
Envirochild facilitates a wood recycling project using wood bound for landfill, from the set builders in the film industry. This wood is used to make furniture, shelving and most importantly Veggie boxes and green houses.
Green Education
Since 2010 Envirochild has been running eco clubs in the primary schools in Hout Bay. Here the Learners get involved in growing food, planting trees, making compost, wood work, learning about nutrition, trash to treasure and eco fashion – making outfits from recycled materials.
Green your home
A service that teaches people how to live a greener lifestyle.
Green your event
A service that assists event organisers to host cleaner, greener events.
Sustainable Tourism
Envirochild partners with AAA Travel and Tales from Africa Travel to encourage sustainable eco- and community tourism
City of Cape Town Ward Council
Envirochild has the environmental seat on the City of Cape Town’s Ward Council (Civil society) thereby enforcing environmental policies in Ward 74, and endeavoring to protect the natural environment.